Friday, March 30, 2012

Yellow joke

Food arts



My son Larry


最近他每次做了clean up,我都会奖励他一个25分的硬币,积累多了他拿到学校去买cookie,尝到了货币交换的有趣,他越发的喜欢clean up. 妹妹也开始学她。


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tree blossom

Location:Old Greenwich school

已经开始留恋这里了,三年我们搬了三个地方。这里最美,最便利。街道上的店铺,pizza店,bagel store,二手店,火车站,cvs便利店,服装店。。。



Breakfast at Le Quotiden

Rye town,NY 也有一家。我喜欢他们的装修,让我somehow想起了风马牛不相及的南美绘画。咖啡杯子象我们的饭碗没有handle,别致但有些傻,洗手间里的音箱传来响亮的歌剧。

Location:Greenwich ave,United States

Wednesday, March 28, 2012





Tuesday, March 27, 2012


生日那一天我到加油站,看到mega million已经积累到$240m, 于是心血来潮买了20张,就算走不了dog pooh-pooh 运,做个白日梦也无妨。我告诉Jeff我买了彩票,如果真能天上掉馅饼,不仅他一下少了我这个经济负担而且我还能成为他这个挣扎做起的基金银行的最大投资者,他说loser才玩这种不劳而获的游戏,中这种彩票的几率几乎跟不可能一样。

可谁知道呢,历史上那些中头彩的人知道自己会中吗? 万一真的中奖了呢?



最后一行还没有完全看仔细我的注意力就转移到电视上了,现在系列剧luck放的很火,Dustin Hoffman老了很多,他的角色很阴险,我其实更喜欢同时放映的另外一个系列剧,life is too short, Warwick Davis的亲身经历,他还没有到一米高,可他努力的活的精彩。

没有播放life is too short,遥控器在手上来回的按着,频道更换的瞬间我还是禁不住想如果我真得拥有$200m,我的生活该怎样。




Sunday, March 25, 2012

Drizzling, Portchester, NY


去whiteplans的路上,我特地在port chester停下,买我喜cappuccino.一号公路通过镇上最繁华的地方,这个小意大利餐馆在雨中看起来很安静。

他们有正宗的意大利熟食,间或出售应季的进口果蔬,当然少不了各种意大利面食。,外面有吃饭的地方可以点正餐,或者饮品面包之类。我总是通过人气来判断一个地方的吃食是不是正宗。有的门上贴着紫红色的zagat rated的标签不一定说明问题, 星期天的早晨,很多人家在这里brunch,大清早桌面摆着wine和夹着肉排的sandwich。


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday, Darien, cherry lawn park



My mind is full of concerns on the moving.

Saturday morning

Watching Curious George. Today the temperature will drop some degree, the weather will feel like a normal spring.

这个地方不会住很久了,夜里我醒来,努力的想这些年我都住过那些地方,有时候我会想象从过去住过的那些房间里醒来的情形,卫生间的位置,衣物间的方向。我甚至想起我们短期住过的corporate apartment,那时我们刚从西费简陋的学生出租公寓出来,一切看起来都是新的好的。
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Location:Sound Beach Ave,,United States

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Greg Maroney

Both his piano music and his words on his penal website, and this kind of picture bring me constant soothing time on this troublesome spring time.

Greg Maroney said

I have been asked many times what inspires me, where does the music come from, what drives me to create. Simple.

Nature. Wind, water, birds flying, plants growing, dogs barking, chickens squawking. The love of my wife. Listening to Vladimir Horowitz playing all the great classical composers. Or Robert Earl Keen singing Armadillo Jackal. Discovering Pink Floyd 20 years later. A great cup of coffee. Creating something with my own hands. Growing enough in the vegetable garden to share with friends and still have enough to then savor all winter. The sound of a freshly tuned tiller or chainsaw. The sound and feel of a freshly tuned piano. Building my barn with only hand tools. In short, all the usual things that surround us day to day.

I hope you find music in your world and your world in my music.

According to Pandora, He and his wife live in an old farmhouse in the country with 3 cats, 2 dogs, chickens, and his vegetable garden.

In south pennsylvania.

ferguson library In downtown stamford

The last time I visited this library is 11 years ago when we lived in local apartment. This place improved a lot, this used book store still here, as a pass-by from library lounge to Starbucks in the same building.

I still remember the days I spent on here, when I was at early 20 years old. I so much like walking . I usually walked long way from home to downtown , and took break at this library . I still remember an Asian guy in front desk. My unhappy experience with one manager in Starbucks for business table use, those fancy silly shows of sculpture here and there in this town.

Now I came for rental information, if we are lucky to find a place for short term stay, Larry and Vivi will finish their school till the end of semester .

We can stay longer before finally move to north .

Monday, March 19, 2012

He wrote and sent it to me last week

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Location:Mortimer Dr,,United States

I don't know why he suddenly sent me this he told me he wrote it that morning. Maybe he thought my birthday was coming, but he didn't know which exactly the day was.

Maybe unlike before, this year he didn't get my greeting for his birthday a week earlier , he suddenly feel lost. He realized I was the one truly kind to him, among all those women he met.

Maybe not.

I don't know, but I don't feel much about his poem. He's never done it before. But three years passed, I am not the one I was.

Not for him, for any other guys, from now on, I don't believe I will fall into love regardless anything. I lost faith on love.

Maybe I am just getting old enough to have a realistic attitude toward love. Nothing else.

I am 37 years old, being with no man, but doing well by now. I believe I can do better.

My GOD is being with me....

Today I am 37

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Happy birthday to myself!

Nobody remember my birthday except my father but I didn't call him. Some insignificant guy send greeting email, but he even doesnt know my name, must be an auto reminder.

Nothing to celebrate I am one year older, stepping into middle age, but no crisis, because crisis already happened .

Not sad, not happy, waiting the news to confirm my location change. I must be the biggest change in recent years. I Don't know what is waiting for in the future, but nothing to fear. I want to change and take all challenges and uncertainty this moving brings up to me.

If there IS right person in my life , I wish it's him which/who inspired me in my unconscious will as an invisible way and bring me to him by moving close to him.

I wish i can be Peaceful, graceful, and elegant.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My old well-worn iPad cover

I like this cover very much , but it seemed not used for advanced new iPads.

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Sunday, my last day of 36 years old

Wholefoods breakfast , they like bacon, but get enough very soon.

Leaping lizard. How many winter time we have had spent in this indoors playground? I don't know. Probably it's last time we came here.

Glenville elementary school.
Where larry attended kindergarten. He told me he wanted to visited our old places today. I thought it and agree, after we move to north, it will be just an old time in our memory.

Green grows out of those winter's grey. The flowers already show their beauty at this early time.

It's so sunny in the afternoon. The wind gently blows my hair. The sun generously heat up my back.
We just couldnt miss the good outdoor time, and stay here for about 2 hours.

Saturday march 17

Enter, it's not very far from our town, but the local traffic is pretty heavy after we got off from brooklyn bridge.

This museum is non profit , at such a multicultural and low income area. They receive much more complimentary review than manhattan child museum. It's a niceuseum.

Mexican bread factory lab.

Custum design at carribean native cultural room.

Me, I am too old to make a pretend-to-be-young photo.

Location:Riversville Rd,Greenwich,United States

We had fish last weekend

Daddy told me they had a GREAT meal in this place, and two kids eat out the WHOLE 笋壳,he told me I need to order at least two lbs to be enough for kids.
Then we came . The restaurant was pretty American-Chinese run by Cantonese. There are Big fish tank by the door which tells us they have live fish.
清蒸鱼is perfect well done for both times we visited these days.price is $$$, one not-as-heavy-as-they-declaimed cost $40, I got fish head and other parts involved too much bone. Kids clean all of it, even the soup.
I like it.

two days later we went again.

Location:Westchester Ave W,Purchase,United States

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sadness in subway

From ShenWei's web.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Julianne Moore & Sarah palin

我看过的演员最象角色的例子就是julianne Moore 演sarah palin. 看Game Change trailer 得时候,我一直以为是sarah palin演自己,后来觉得不对啊,一查原来不是。

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Fort Lauderdale cold beach by Shen Wei

Didn't check his photo for a while and found his style changed.