Thursday, March 17, 2011

I feel #@$!#%$#%#!%#&#^*&^%!

一個在普通不過的平凡人 Oho, a modest man !
沒有特別精神 spray your hair then,
也不醜陋 how not-ugly ?
有個人style 味道! so you wear perfum !
待人為善 Do you do donation?
單純沒有勾心鬥角的生活方式 how come? you know psychology, you know how to read minds.
直來直往 maybe..
沒太多想法 eat too much
有情有義 oho,where you put them?
相處越簡單越好 come on, you are dealing with people in jungle world
太複雜生活模式我不適應 not at all, what you are doing now?
太現實的人我不喜歡 they peek your privacy and guess your wallet.
平常心! hard to have
簡單! hard to be
務實!you work from 9 to 5
不喜歡與人爭 then bu zheng,
不喜歡與人比較 then bu bi jiao,
喜歡閒暇生活方式 who does't?
喜歡聼風看海享受陽光 even monkey does,
不喜歡吵鬧都市生活 you live in suburb.
中國人朋友沒幾個 English frinds a lot,
興趣不多比如攝影音樂 purchased a lot of cameras and huge sound system
這就是我 you are located.

尋找更多的朋友 female or male? one? one female? so you are looking for ONE FEMALE.
分享 of course
心領神會的一刻 oh yeah
那怕什麽也不做。Do nothing?!unbelievable, you are a saint!!!

Basically, if a man is cheating behind his wife, he can not be called honest by any means.

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