Thursday, March 17, 2011

Praying for Japan

I don't know what else I can do but donating hundreds of bucks to buy food or cloths for some child who lost home and need it in urgency. It is not much, but at least some child in Japan can get a distant warm hug.

This disaster hit Japan in an overwelming and accurate way, as if some indescribable power intended to do so and finally did it, focusing on the most develeped and civilized. Destroy it, and destroy more.

This is a disaster not only to Japan, but to all human being, for those living creatures which are able to own lives by "breathing", on earth.

We see tremendous catastrohpy from movie screen. Digital products challenge our ability to bear whatever it could get the worst. Enventually we are numb enough to face the most ruined scene, but only on IMAGE, subconsciously we tell ourselves that is not real.

When the real happened, we can do nothing but got scared. I am frightened, and really am. The tsunami land and engulf the quiet viliage as fast as a flash of lighting shines on them. People lose lives in the blinks of eyes. The dead are gone forever, the alive are still in panic of nuclear leaking.

Please no politics, that is men's game. I am only an ordinary Chinese lady who feel intuiatively painful from others's pain, like most people who awe nature. I don't believe in movie by made-up, 2012 is but a stimulus to numb spirits spoiled by seemingly peace and advanced convenience brought by high technology.

Bring help and kindness as you can, even a moment of silence for the dead.That is for our own goodness.

Chrish life, take myself as a fluky survior from a natural making.

Be nice to our nature surrounding,sometimes we couldn't be able to realize to hurt it, but we can intentiously keep it good.

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