Saturday, March 26, 2011

A sunny saturday


现在我在40街与madison ave.的角落,一间很小的starbucks,每次做火车来纽约,出了grand central,我定会在这里停一会。

对面是libetry hotel,二层明亮宽敞的玻璃带给我很多遐想,透过玻璃能看到叠至屋顶的书架,这又开始令我想到几年后等拥有自己的房子,我该怎么布置。



纽约使我忘记时间。我可以穿着Anthropolies或者free people这类复古风格的衣服,站在一座自这座城市开始历史时所建造的邮局大厅里,这副场景象是一百多年前的城市照片。



Now I am sitting Szechuan Gourmet and waiting my spicy bean sea bass.

It takes near 20 minutes for it, I changed my radio channel to New Age instrumental. When I walk in city, those fast-paced music brings me more inspiration than those calm piano music.

My fish is coming.


肚子里装着整整一条鱼,我出了餐馆到了fifth ave.向南,迎着太阳,没有太阳镜,只好向北。在四十街,拐进zara,没有什么看的,干脆出来,这时我碰见了他俩。

Monday, March 21, 2011


BEBE三个月的时候,父亲来看我,我们在这张椅子上合影过。Binny park有一条小湖,去海边经过这里,每次转头看它,水面总是如明镜一般。还未来及为它拍照,从网上找了一张。

我们新的住所就在Biney park旁边,穿过公园就到了图书馆。走路十分钟到海。有一个平展的后院,隔着尽头的白色车库。


很老的房子, agent进门第一句话就是it is very old。但室内十多年前重新整修过,地板,楼梯都是新的。



今天早上,从gym里出来,顶着春雪,穿着生日为自己买的suede皮衣,我走进不远的Prudential office.写了支票,签了名字,走了出来。

新家所在的街道名字跟海有关, sound beach ave.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

under the supermoon

今天,3月19日,我的生日,supermoon day.










如果能痛快地大哭或尖叫就好了,12 点钟过了生日就过了,我不想让这一天过去。



Friday, March 18, 2011

I wish you good luck.

To be strightforward, I feel jealous that you sit with your wife. But you look phony.

I don't really believe your are looking for friendship, but that is not my business.

You separate half year. Your wife knows you might have girlfriend outside. Although you returned,the fact has already existed. there is a gap between you couple.

It is not reasonable for an almost-to-be-divorced guy return to his marriage for his daughter, and then came to internet for friendship only.

Remember, when you finally target some woman, and get intamacy with her. YOU ARE CHEATING.

BTW, How to define cheating. Easy, You are IN marriage AND you have intimacy with the woman who is NOT your wife.

Stop visiting here, and you are free.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Praying for Japan

I don't know what else I can do but donating hundreds of bucks to buy food or cloths for some child who lost home and need it in urgency. It is not much, but at least some child in Japan can get a distant warm hug.

This disaster hit Japan in an overwelming and accurate way, as if some indescribable power intended to do so and finally did it, focusing on the most develeped and civilized. Destroy it, and destroy more.

This is a disaster not only to Japan, but to all human being, for those living creatures which are able to own lives by "breathing", on earth.

We see tremendous catastrohpy from movie screen. Digital products challenge our ability to bear whatever it could get the worst. Enventually we are numb enough to face the most ruined scene, but only on IMAGE, subconsciously we tell ourselves that is not real.

When the real happened, we can do nothing but got scared. I am frightened, and really am. The tsunami land and engulf the quiet viliage as fast as a flash of lighting shines on them. People lose lives in the blinks of eyes. The dead are gone forever, the alive are still in panic of nuclear leaking.

Please no politics, that is men's game. I am only an ordinary Chinese lady who feel intuiatively painful from others's pain, like most people who awe nature. I don't believe in movie by made-up, 2012 is but a stimulus to numb spirits spoiled by seemingly peace and advanced convenience brought by high technology.

Bring help and kindness as you can, even a moment of silence for the dead.That is for our own goodness.

Chrish life, take myself as a fluky survior from a natural making.

Be nice to our nature surrounding,sometimes we couldn't be able to realize to hurt it, but we can intentiously keep it good.

I feel #@$!#%$#%#!%#&#^*&^%!

一個在普通不過的平凡人 Oho, a modest man !
沒有特別精神 spray your hair then,
也不醜陋 how not-ugly ?
有個人style 味道! so you wear perfum !
待人為善 Do you do donation?
單純沒有勾心鬥角的生活方式 how come? you know psychology, you know how to read minds.
直來直往 maybe..
沒太多想法 eat too much
有情有義 oho,where you put them?
相處越簡單越好 come on, you are dealing with people in jungle world
太複雜生活模式我不適應 not at all, what you are doing now?
太現實的人我不喜歡 they peek your privacy and guess your wallet.
平常心! hard to have
簡單! hard to be
務實!you work from 9 to 5
不喜歡與人爭 then bu zheng,
不喜歡與人比較 then bu bi jiao,
喜歡閒暇生活方式 who does't?
喜歡聼風看海享受陽光 even monkey does,
不喜歡吵鬧都市生活 you live in suburb.
中國人朋友沒幾個 English frinds a lot,
興趣不多比如攝影音樂 purchased a lot of cameras and huge sound system
這就是我 you are located.

尋找更多的朋友 female or male? one? one female? so you are looking for ONE FEMALE.
分享 of course
心領神會的一刻 oh yeah
那怕什麽也不做。Do nothing?!unbelievable, you are a saint!!!

Basically, if a man is cheating behind his wife, he can not be called honest by any means.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blessing Japan.........



Thursday, March 10, 2011



我发觉很多在卖的房屋都有很好的结构与装修,价格并不离谱,如果我可以做到每月有结余的话两年左右就可以付的出down pay.然后我可以选择固定的利率15年的,这样15年后房屋就是我的了,我应该还有其他的结余,我一个老太婆到时候没有什么担心的了。如果我落魄了就把房子卖掉,满世界转悠。


除非我能有个相爱的人让我有充分的理由感受到安全和保护感。那样我70岁的时候可以开着破烂的2012年的beetle convertible在高速上兜风,我戴着花头巾,干瘪的嘴唇抹着鲜红的口红。身边是一个头发花白的老头,同样干瘪的嘴唇,他对一切的反应是迟钝,可这迟钝多半来自态度而不是年龄带来的障碍。


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

there are days to go to hit 36 years old.

I am just back from gym and didn't swim for shoulder pain.

每个星期四我都可以享受一下morning coffee time,这天不要去健身房,把vivi送到学校后我特地饶道买了点心,又将车开到较远的咖啡馆。不为别的,这里窗外是一条河。



这个想像为了什么? 嗯,我怀念佳世客里米线馆里的过桥米线了。



Sunday, March 06, 2011




