Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My No.1 favorite comedian

Sometimes I didnot really understand what he talked about politics, (Politics is the last thing I would care about in this world,far behind global warming:)). But his entertainment part conquered me. His way of being funny, sharp and witty is vivid, with those expression on his characteristic face and exaggarated gastures when he stands on stage.
His face, when I first saw him on TV years ago, somehow reminds me of the novel by Eileen Chang (张爱玲) who depictured one of her relative as "酒精里泡着的孩尸"。Bizzar? Sort of. He is only at his 50s, but his hair gets gray in a natual way. If the lights shine on his fronthead perfectly, you will see a 20-year-old face.I bet he has Botox injection every four or five month, even more frequent. But his mouth always gets me confused and wonder if there is any tooth left there.
Yesterday, He had another standup show in NC on TV, "Bill Maher,...but I am not wrong", still about religion,politics and Obama.But he always make politics as funny as other easy topic.Tiger Woods certainly couldn't be lucky enough to dodge his arrow of satarizing . "Why men cheat? Because women like buy news shoes, and men like new sex." "when man masturbates, he wants fantacy, when he finds a hooker, he wants sex ":)......
Maybe you can see if Chinese can talk politics and sex as free as those American comedians, there will be a lot of Chinese Bill Maher coming out.

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