Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tenderness and Rot

by Kay Ryan

Tenderness and rot
share a border.
And rot is an
aggressive neighbor
whose iridescence
keeps creeping over.

No lessons
can be drawn
from this however.

One is not
two countries.
One is not meat

It is important
to stay sweet
and loving.

Kay Ryan的诗歌对我最大的价值就是,pick up an idea then explore it.这需要与生俱来的天赋,需要一类丰富特殊的神经,对灵感敏锐的神经. 我喜欢所有这样像捕捉空气中的尘埃一样捕捉灵感的诗,而对那些华丽的诗篇不屑一顾.

Tenderness and Rot,表面上像是平行关系的边缘界定, 却在我的脑海里出现了一个类似坐标的峰值,那是tenderness的peak time, 这是唯一的一个峰值.也许可以象征生命的不可重复,时间的不可复返.

似乎有点悲观,需要将stay sweet and loving植入大脑中.

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