Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time at Fort Lauderdale (1 day in Palm Beach)我们八天的旅程(以时间为序)

在飞机上,jetblue的directTV很给力,他们能够集中在spongeBob。上次去FT Myer乘的也是jetblue,轻车熟路知道点什么饮料和snack.

5点半我们到了Palm Beach international airport,我在转盘处等待行李出来,孩子们看起来有些累了。

We live the first night at Sailman Marina, at Singer Island of this city. From the map, this island is a long strip close to north part of city. The resort itself was great. We were arranged to a large room with tropical style of furniture, a lot of space for kids to play. Of course it is attached with kitchen too.

But the most important is that we can not access to beach directly,although it is only 2 blocks away. I drove around the whole island, and had no idea how to reach the sign of sand and seagull.

The next morning we came to Sailman Marina, the inner water part is beautiful, a lot of water activities, you can get schedule for water taxi to different trip line, and diner in their famous restaurant facing water.

Sailman Marina- 不晓得这类海鸟可不可以称作海鸥,他们聚集在这里享受阳光与清风,他们都有长长的yuan,个头比那种白色的海鸟要大很多。他们应该常驻这里。


West Palm Beach在这个清冷的上午很安静,海滩很大,跟ft myer很相像。但这里的贝壳非常的光滑完整干净,我们当即捡起贝壳来。只是一路来我感觉周边的环境不像我想象的安全便利,心里不踏实,无心尽兴的一直待在这里。

我们决定去买beach toy,从ipad上搜到最近的地方是一家war-mart,在城西,于是十几分钟以后我们出现在这里 。一路上经过破败的居民区,路上的行人清一色是非裔美国人,让我想起了曾经居住了两年的臭名昭著的西费,直觉告诉我这里不是安全之地。vivi和bebe挑选了一些塑料玩具,我们很快离开了这里。整个下午,他们在住所里玩bubble,我则心急火燎的上网搜索新的住处。
从网上的资料看出,west palm beach city以US 1公路为界,东部安全一些,这样看来基本就是靠海的这一小条。可头天晚上我在加油站为孩子买牛奶,店里的人看我的眼光很不友善。
我不喜欢这里,到了傍晚我终于联系了ft lauderdale的beach resort,连忙退房争取八点钟以前赶到50mile以南的这个地方。

ft Lauderdale day 1- Discovery and Science museum
早晨起来,从网上查了地址,在downtown,两英里不到的路程,一路上我们吹着风过来了。身为母亲我唯一骄傲的地方就是知道带他们到哪里去他们会真正enjoy time.这类科学博物馆之类的地方他们一天总是待不够。

discovery&science museum-5点钟快关门了,忽然发现了关于回收的一种小游戏。

a bunch of tulip and magarita non-alcoholic cocktail, got for myself as valentine day's gift.
The watermelon is much delicious than those in north. cooking pasta for kids. It is their favorite food. Easy to cook and feed.This resort provides all kitchen stuff, even dishwasher, meeting all we need to live. I suddenly realize why my own kitchen has to be filled with all kinds of dupilicated tools I seldom use and waste space?
Day 2- Morning we stayed in beach near our resort. I like this picture which catchs vivi naturally, plus the little figure of bebe as background.
Ft Lauderdale beach near resort.

The icecream store off the street where we passed by to beach. We visit here almost everyday. vivi and bebe chose their own flovour and top, kids always like colorful things.This store also sell flovored popcorn, they even do dilivery for it.But they open pretty late, 11 am, we usually already start our activity for one day.
day 3 - Butterfly worlfd.
在离ft lauderdale以北20多mile的地方。早晨我沿着靠海的A1A 公路开,这是us 1平行的一条公路。
门票很贵,我们用了AAA membership,我和bebe的票共近$60,加上午餐和购礼品时间共两个小时就足够了。
butterfly world-
butterfly world-这是在半空织网的花园里。据介绍上说这个蝴蝶园是美国最大的蝴蝶园。

butterfly world -

gift shop
one standing on street.

wooden bridge where we spent a lot of time, it slowly swing, vivi thought it's funny.

Leaving butterfly world.



从butterfly world出来,查好路线,特地途径这家Beijing Duck的中国餐馆。
这次出现他们都爱上了fortune cookies。 day 3 ,miami zoo- A1A,与US 1平行的临海的公路,从地图上你可以看到这条公路并不能连续的贯穿南北,被一些公园岛屿截断。这天我们去50mile以外的miami zoo,在北方50迈对我来讲小菜一碟,因为路线不熟识我们来去都花了近两个小时。

Miami Zoo-第二次来这里,像上次那样租一辆脚蹬车。一路上留心观察,只有我们是一个大人独自伺候车和小孩。 flamingo,红鹤,也叫火烈鸟,诗歌里经常被用来作意象的词。

Miami zoo- children's zoo,我们在这里消耗的时间最长,吃了简单的午饭。
children's zoo,他们的唯一感受就是it is too hard.这匹骆驼想必是做着世界上最无聊的动物工种,围着这棵棕榈树一圈一圈的走,同时他并不能跟被上的whoever- they- are交流,我对它深表同情。:)
steam shower,Ft Lauderdale的water park冬季是关闭的,所以这次没有实现带他们玩水的愿望。不过这个steam shower着实让我们在这里驻留了近20分钟。三年前的冬天,bebe两岁多的时候,他曾出现在这里。只是他完全记不得了。

我总是觉得这类安逸慵懒的生活比让他们在非洲大草原上自生自灭更destructive. 他们可能会因为漫无边际的向往而总实现不了最终患上忧郁症。
day 4- Bonnet House 我们被工作人员安排在Bonnet house门口等待参观。


Bonnet House

Bonnet House (from WIKI)
The property was originally acquired by Hugh Taylor Birch in 1895, and given to his daughter Helen and her husband, artist Frederic Clay Bartlett, as a wedding gift in 1919. Bartlett built a plantation-style home on the property and wintered there with his wife and child from a previous marriage, Frederic Jr, until Helen died in 1925. Bartlett then married Evelyn Fortune Lilly, ex-wife of Eli Lilly, and they continued to use the home as a winter residence until his death in 1953 and her death in 1997. She deeded the property to the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation in 1983, which maintains the property as a historic house museum.
Bonnet House-围廊墙壁上的画。


Bonnet House-gift shop. I got a candel holder.

Bonnet House- 离我们住的地方只有不到十米的距离,可为了安全起见,他们没有把入口设在A1A公路上,我们绕了很久才找到入口。参观出来bebe发现天上有飞机拖着长长的尾巴,商家在做广告。

gift shop门口有个大铁笼,里面住着一个脾气很坏的鹦鹉,这个笼子被细密的铁网包住,有些地方的裂口可以伸入一个手指。有告示警告小心被这只坏脾气的鹦鹉叼手指。果然,我还没有从gift shop出来,就听见有撕心裂肺一般的叫喊,赶紧出来,原来bebe把这只鹦鹉惹怒了。

楼下的泳池和jakuzzi永远都有人躺在那里, 甚至到晚上十点以后。

这个城市最热闹的地方,Las Olas与A1A公路交界的这一带。说心里我不喜欢,面对着大海,另一边要么是酒吧,要么就是廉价的礼品店,年轻人满口脏话的打电话。。。我更喜欢幽静的被大树遮盖的不靠海的安静的小街道,藏着不少好的餐馆。
I like this one, and will print out and put on my table.

I hope he is not a girlish boy.

Las Olas街道上的意大利餐馆,看样子不错,很多名人包括克林顿的照片都挂在墙上炫耀。对于我们无所谓,我只有点pizza和spaghetti才能百发百中合这俩的胃口。




duck tour,

With the tour guide. She worked really hard, the duck tour lasted one and half hour, she have to keep talking all the time. At some view points like some architecture,store or restaurant, she lead the passengers to yell out " quake quake!" ,to catch people's eyeballs.

The duck tour was over. We got off the boat-bus at A1A near Las Olas Blvd, almost 5:30pm, there were still a lot of people in beach. It's getting a little cold.

This guy is a singer too. He concentrated on his drum with vivid music coming from his radio player. I almost started to dance witht his rythm.But vivi doesn't enjoy at all, she run out, I have to chase her.

The morning we started our trip, cloudy. I woke up before the alarm worked. Looking out of the window, yeah, almost forgot, it was a marathon day! The sunrise Blvd was filled with police cars and athelets. I was a little worried they will bother the traffic and delay our time to drive for highway. But they run much faster than we prepared for leaving. The road was almost clear once we got on the way.

At Palm Beach International airport, we were heading to the waiting area for our flight, and passed by an vendor machine for electronic products. Now it looks like anything can be sold in vendor machine. In Nanjing, China, live fresh sea product can even be tied and put into it!

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