Saturday, January 01, 2011

Time at Fort Myers

基本上我们就在这块象拉直的海马形状的岛屿上活动。黑线是南北贯通的唯一一条马路。我们到达的晚上是圣诞平安夜,我开着租来的车子拉着他们两个,连绵的公路两旁要么是住家要么是旅馆,多半张灯结彩。旅途的劳顿一下被热带地区不一样的风景冲淡了,我们很想马上就冲去海滩。海被黑夜掩盖着,我们看不到, 但离我们只有几米之隔。


At airport, they played IPAD. Ipad is really good for children studying, they learn shapes, colors, math, words,even I take that for storybooks. But it is hard to pull them out, so how to use it as benifit, instead of getting addiced to it, is very important for kids to protect their eyes and develop their brains.

Bebe gets more naturally than before, meanwhile Vivi will take any chance making mops whenever she realizes a camera facing her.

我们从便利店7-eleven买了牛奶鸡蛋,回来做韩国方便面。7-11在南方非常普遍,我们所在的这条岛路居然有大概五家。我爱死7-11了,我们晚上从海滩回来,还要走到对面的这个便利店买冰棒,果汁,和buffulo chicken wings。对我来讲,只要生活便利安全的地方,我就喜欢得不得了。

Fort Myers beach的沙子很细,像灰一样。海水是浅蓝色。这些都和new england地方不同。很早以前我到过south east of florida,

I rent this kind of beach chair for $11/day, thanks GOD I didn't do the one-week deal. The tempreture sharply dropped down the next day. Actually the wind started to get cold at that afternoon. The couple sitting next to me were smart enough to fetch the hotel blankets.
Popcorn time. I consider popcorn junk food before. But according to Bebe's school nutrition chart, it actually is health food, of course not too much EXTRA butter.
When they smile, the flowers of my heart blossom.:)

At Fort Myers beach, actually it seems for all the beaches in south part of the country like Florida, the sand is thin as ash, and the sea is light between blue and green. Those are different from what we have in New England beaches where the sand is sometimes like mixed little tiny stones and the sea is like wine dark blue.
But the sea birds look always the same. They always keep distance to people when we try to approach them. When we lost attention, they seems to be aound everywhere for all the time.
I gain a lot of weight for losing control to eat and no time for exercise. News paper says holiday fat is easy to gain and hard to lose. You spend a couple of days to get about 5lb, but you might spend even 1 month to lose them.
Therefore, good body shaps are always for people who have strong will and are persistent.

The children museum in this city. We came on Sunday when it open from 12 pm. So we had to wait outside for half hour. This museum is tiny,and not bright enough.But they have a lot of educational stuff in their hands-on activity department. Bebe and vivi did enjoy and have fun.
I love to take them here.
The museum is in downtown. We drove out of beach island through the north bridge.
Because of coldness and short of prepared shoes, I wore this UGG warm shoes which supposed to show up in some place where there is REAL winter. I didn't see anybody wearing so warm. Even somebody stared at my feet.But nobody knew me. I don't care.

The third day we went to King Richard. Not a good place. It is only for fun. Most attraction for bigger kids, but I still purchased the expensive ticket for Vivi. Here she drove the car and got stuck there and didn't know how to control at all. The assistant helped her and stopped her at the first round. But she was very happy, because a BOY helped her. She loves boys.

Kings Richard游乐场在Naples,Fort Myers南部20迈左右,也是个美丽的海滨小镇。我们本来是要来这里,后来我发现Fort Myers有个很大的机场,而且hotel更容易订才临时改计划。

在去The shell factory的路上,我们需要途径一所大桥,可我在这里迷了路,刚好附近有一个play ground,他们已经在车上待烦了。干脆我们就先下来玩一玩。
The shell factory, they both want to reach out their head from the bottom hole. The other two are too tall.

The day we went to Shell Factory, eating at the famous restaurant The Fishbones. I searched on google about ZAGAT rated restaurants near this area, and it turns out some good and bad comments on very limited restaurants. But fishbones is nice one, just as those reviews. They has very tender fishsticks for kids, the new England claim chowder is so so, the mixed juice cocktail is great. The cost is mild.
You can see this beatiful sunset here every sunny day.
懂事的bebe,larry是他的英文名字。因为我的脾气不好,他居然变得有些世故,看到我拉下脸来他会自觉去劝说妹妹。他特地嘱咐好几次,要给mrs Riely,他的老师买一个大的海螺,他看到有同学送老师很小的贝壳。所以他要送大的。
从我们的房间走到海滩会经过一个很小的泳池,对面有个outdoors bar,有live music,很响的效果,水平很专业。如果不是带小孩子的话我会有心要上一杯什么喝的坐一坐。
Bebe (Larry) has good sense on golf. He even have a "one" mark on these 18 holes, and many "2" also. But sometimes his attitude is not good, keep pushing. So I yelled at him, making other people looking at me. " what a mom you are?,it is just for fun, relax!" that is the way they seemed to tell me.:)

The shells our next door collected.

Walking to beach by bare feet.

right out side of our room, it is not with ocean view, but very close to parking and office. We love here. It is not as expensive as those star hotel, but it is really clean and convenient. It is attached with a kitchen, that helped me a lot at christmas eve, since most restaurants were closed and we couldn't find a place to eat.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Wow, you three got wonderful time in FL. It's quite good to see your dairy in this cold cold winter. We were having snow here while you were running on the beach. It's good journey for your children. You are a great mom! They are lucky to have you.

shine's blog said...

Haha,why don't email me this?

Snow is good too.

The side effect of this journey is, they don't want to come back. And they want to go FL again soon. They keep bugging me ;(.

And when they get back and see the snow left only a little, they complain of no snowbordto play.
