Monday, July 31, 2006



这则笑话出现在很多地方,到现在还能找到。有些地方有改动。而当时在读者文摘上是获了笑话大赛头奖的。 (chihuahua picture is from the web)

Two guys were walking their dogs — one had a German Shepherd and the other had a Chihuahua. The man with the Shepherd suggested going into a bar for a drink. The other man says, "They're not going to let dogs into the bar." And the first guy says, "No? Watch this." So he puts on some dark glasses, acts like the German Shepherd is a seeing-eye dog, walks into the bar and orders a drink. And no one says anything. So the second guy takes out some dark glasses, slips them on, and walks his Chihuahua into the bar. The bartender says, "Sorry — we don't allow dogs in here." And the man says, "It's okay — it's my seeing-eye dog." The bartender laughs and says, "This Chihuahua is your seeing-eye dog?" And the guy says, "What? They gave me a Chihuahua?" Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

