Wednesday, June 08, 2011

trip to downtown Manhattan

Tritiny Church I always feel great when I come to church, perhaps it is not much related with religion. How wonderful it is to step in a giant space with hundreds years of history? plus those splendid pictures, lamp,decoration....let it alone that it is always a place to easy your mind. Tritiny church museum

The sculpture outside of church At wall st. , even Sports club has golden lable.:)

My lunch, at an indian fast food restaurant, absolutely non-authentic, but wrap taste great.If you dont' go nyc, you would never see how many and how diversified those restaurants are. Many of them are great and original, zagat rated,but not expensive due to hash competition.

The Sunday fair near Sea Port. The enviorement is not good, since the traffic from cross street to Brooklyn Bridage. Too noisey and kind of dirty, anyway it is NYC.

Finally a quiet street shortcutting those busy tourisem streets. I got a lemon pie from fair and have it as the afternoon snack. Mindball Game. two persons sit face to face competing who is more relaxed. when the game starts, both parties wear the head test brace and push button. The ball will start from the middle. If one party is getting more relaxed, s/he will power-push the ball more close to the other party. The game will end if the ball was power-pushed to the range of one party.

I wanted to try this game and happned to beat an asian girl. I thought I am not a relaxed one, but it only took up to one minute for the ball to go into her end. It has no trick, I don't know how I won.:)



Anonymous said...


shine's blog said...


Anonymous said...

人体展好恐怖,他们打多伦多展览过,我没敢去看。听说所有尸体从海外运到中国大连加工成今天这个样子。很受争议的一个展览,看完了估计两周不会对人体有性趣。 :-)


shine's blog said...

Really? I feel very different from you. I don't feel scary at all.

On one hand, we should definitely respect those human bodies, on the other hand we should learn more about ourselves.

What I learn?


"性趣", is that a typo?:)

Anonymous said...

"性趣"it is NOT typo.