Thursday, July 30, 2009

Two songs from Graham Nash

Simple man
Sleep Song 到这里来听

Simple Man 和 Sleep Song 这两首歌曲是美国六七十年代反战时期最活跃的乐队之一CSN&Y (Crosby,Stills,Nash and Young)中的成员Graham Nash的成名作,被收录在他的第一张专辑The song for beginners里面。专辑发行在1971年,我最早从住家附近的公共图书馆里借来CD,因为早前已经是CSN的铁粉,从打口带小贩手里买过他们的classic collection CSN四盘磁带。所以当时一看到Graham的名字,就如获至宝的借回来,当即rip到自己电脑里了。

这张CD已经out of print了,当然对于那些soul-touching的音乐,购买正版是对他们最大的感谢。从amazon上不到20美金购得,至今摆在CD架上,成了一生的珍藏。

一直以为这两首旋律轻松和声优美动听的简单曲子可以被很多擅长写实的生活片导演所推崇,可直到最近,才有一部叫Reign Over Me的电影以simple man为电影插曲,恰到好处的衬托了这个因911而失去家庭的中年男人的古怪言行举止。

这两首歌曲是典型的男性柔情歌曲,听他唱着,好像一个男人的细腻的感情被具象成水一般柔软的东西流到自己的心里去了。Simple Man唱的是,“I am a simple man,so I sing a simple song,never been so much in love,and never hurt so bad at the same time.I am a simple man,and I play a simple tune I wish that I could see you once again,across the room like the first time.简单的人,爱的很真,伤的也很深.

Sleeping song也是一首简单的弹唱歌曲,“你When you were asleep,I was kissing your forehead
You gave a frown,So I kissed you again,You started waking,And put your arms round my waist,Just making sure I was there,Then you drifted away,"原来是一场梦.


Qing Gao said...

Click Here to listen and download some of my favorite songs, hope you will like some of them. Have a great weekend! :)

shine's blog said...

thanks! a lot of my favorite, but some links are broken though. thanks anyway! hope you enjoy the songs here too!