Thursday, June 30, 2011

endless beach time

I love those cloud to death, pieces of still cloud, as if they always stay there and will never move.

The more I come to this ocean, the more I love it. All trouble will go out away all of a sudden, I feel my soul is clear like the blue sky above me.

Above the land I stand, and the water I face .

apple tree

There is an old tree by the drive way to the back yard. I usually parked my car on the driveway , right under the tree to share the coolness.

Today I stepped off the car and looked up, and saw those two Baby apple, maybe that kind of wild apple.

it turns out to be an apple tree. a little suprise.

Monday, June 27, 2011

flying kite

I like the color tone of these pictures taken by iPhone,it's almost early evening. The beach is windy and started to cool down.

I look sad. But that is actually real me.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

dim sum.nature science.dumpling house

Living this town for 7 years, passing by this Chinese restaurants, I never thought of eating here someday, even about 4 years ago, An American daddy I met in playground told me they had nice dim-sum. But this morning I suddenly want to try it.

Not good, too much oil, will not come again.

Nature science museum. we usually play outdoors in their huge playground or seeing animals in their farm. Today we step in, the museum itself is very old and quite, a children room filled with legos, but pretty dirty. They played a little while and I took time to have some pictures for myself. now I found myself addictive to self-portrait.:)

This morning my neighbour brought me a huge bunch of Hydrangea she plants in her garden, how beautiful they are.... I am thinking what suitable to bring to her...

Friday, June 24, 2011

our works




Vivien in school, Larry and Me went to Target to get some organizing boxes for toys. He is hungery, so we got a pizza and stayed their starbucks for a while.

I love this Free People skirt, this should be this summers trend, very very long and big hem. I have to lift it when I go stairs. But it is quite eyeball catching when I walking fast on the street, with the skirt flowing and flying, I guess.:) And I was lucky it was on sale on Bloomingdale and I didn't pay original price.



tonight, we went to Darian town again, that dumpling house. But they had chicken earlier and were no hungery , so the food was not as delicious as last time. This is a great restaurant in local, when we got there, and were asked for reservation, and the room was filled up with people. But we waited for about 5 minutes to get sitted. not bad.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011



有个漂亮的花盆会鼓励我去养一些植物。去年孩子们在国内的时候我从一些nursery store和home depot买了几株植物,买了泥土,移植到一些漂亮的花盘中,一年过来,大部分已经干枯,这几株坚强的跟着我到新家来。WENDY看到说中间的漂亮,我打算再去买一些移植到花盆中送给她一盆。大的园艺我没有能力搞,厨房是我最常活动的地方,时常不经意瞥到一些绿莹莹的东西,心里也充满了绿意。

Thursday, June 09, 2011

today webcam


用larry ipad上的相机拍出来的图片是镜像对称的效果。

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

trip to downtown Manhattan

Tritiny Church I always feel great when I come to church, perhaps it is not much related with religion. How wonderful it is to step in a giant space with hundreds years of history? plus those splendid pictures, lamp,decoration....let it alone that it is always a place to easy your mind. Tritiny church museum

The sculpture outside of church At wall st. , even Sports club has golden lable.:)

My lunch, at an indian fast food restaurant, absolutely non-authentic, but wrap taste great.If you dont' go nyc, you would never see how many and how diversified those restaurants are. Many of them are great and original, zagat rated,but not expensive due to hash competition.

The Sunday fair near Sea Port. The enviorement is not good, since the traffic from cross street to Brooklyn Bridage. Too noisey and kind of dirty, anyway it is NYC.

Finally a quiet street shortcutting those busy tourisem streets. I got a lemon pie from fair and have it as the afternoon snack. Mindball Game. two persons sit face to face competing who is more relaxed. when the game starts, both parties wear the head test brace and push button. The ball will start from the middle. If one party is getting more relaxed, s/he will power-push the ball more close to the other party. The game will end if the ball was power-pushed to the range of one party.

I wanted to try this game and happned to beat an asian girl. I thought I am not a relaxed one, but it only took up to one minute for the ball to go into her end. It has no trick, I don't know how I won.:)


at patio,after school

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Middleburry, Connecticut

上周六我们去了康州中部的Middleburry的amusement park去玩,下午出来,我从小路取近上高速开往danbery。小路上经过一些人家,离城市偏远的地方,居民的庭院宽敞一览无遗。让我想起来半年前NPR news的采访,一个local长大的女士抱怨乡村离我们越来越远了,她小时候熟悉的乡村现在都变成了downtown.有人欢喜有人悠,很多矛盾都有它存在的道理。相信大多数的人都喜欢便利的生活吧。所以这样的图片就总是成为内心里向往的一些东西,甚至能成为心情安定剂。

soccer mom healthy diet survival recipe


现在冰箱里的上面两格整齐的码着一个一个的饭盒,装着过油熟透的三文鱼,白水煮蛋,拨开切碎的avocado,豆腐丁,蘑菇,洋葱, roast pepper dressing.下面的箱子里装着几袋蔬菜。





Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Anthropologie 2

不想去拥有anthropologie的让海盗着迷的吊灯,如果今后拥有自己的小房子,我一定会买她们的地毯。我还从来没有看过第二家店有如此规模的有欣赏价值的地毯。这些图案几乎一眼看上去就爱上了,赶紧看看价格。8*10尺寸大抵有1000到2000刀左右的样子,应该算是low-end luxury,我可以接受的奢侈。

大多数正面羊毛反面全棉。我曾经买过一个bathroom rug,全面,洗过多次,仍然像新的一样。
