Sunday, April 10, 2011


Black At Stage. museum of city of New York

Hat that belonged to Michael Jackson - Museum of City of New York

Out of museum, I took a downtown bus to 86 th st. And transfer to M86 crosstown bus to West end Ave. At 87th st., my car is parked one block away. I suddenly want to sit for a while. Facing Huderson river, it's a wet,cloudy and windy afternoon, it is all me alone.

还是在纽约城市博物馆,Joel Grey的介绍。Joel Grey 是个全才,表演,喜剧,绘画,唱歌,摄影,这里介绍他的摄影,他的作品体现了对城市人民的生活的close look.



still life- Shen Wei

在69st,central park,留意到路边的树发芽了。

5TH AV E, the trees grow in the half way of sky.

不成功的选择,进来才发觉这个餐馆不怎么卫生,之前从网络上听说他们的豆瓣鱼和牛肉面是招牌,结果大差人意。得出教训,如果进门坐下以后有疑虑,还是走掉的好。还是家门口台湾牛肉面好吃,鱼不新鲜。他们在繁华的time square附近,做的不是回头客的生意。记住了,这家中餐叫川霸王,永远不要再来。


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