Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bow River, Banff

According to wiki, The name "Bow" refers to the reeds that grew along its banks and were used by the local First Nations peoples to make bows; the Peigan name for the river is "Makhabn", meaning "river where bow reeds grow".

Walking on the trail in Banff town is filled with horse dung smell and misquotes' bites.

Friday, July 25, 2014

100 days

Thursday, July 24, 2014

One poem from M.S.

Cape Pacifica - Qingdao

Moon is distant from the sea,
Throwing long wedding gowns at me,
Wavelets, sparkles, tiny flower petals;
Puff of sea breeze,
Bring the memory of exotic island,
Time for the blooming of the maquis? 

My bride is walking away,
Her long wedding gown tantalizing, inviting me
INTO the starry night.

Waves, the quarrelsome friend
The David King of Israel
Throwing pebbles to the rock
Sending shivers up my spin,
as I step off the cliff.

But angels came to my aid
Put hands under my feet
As I running to my bride
In the constellation of Gemini.

-M. Sun, Feb. 10th, 2012

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


昨天早上因为什么是要联系心血来潮临时下载了weChat,下载了晾一边,今早上一看n多个红点n多个图像冒出来要加我,有失联很久的,又看上去陌生仔细一看打过招呼的,有孩子一起过家家的,。。。劈劈啪啪打过来吓得我赶紧关上,卸载。。。 朋友说我是她唯一不微信的朋友,不微就不微吧,否则成天刷屏窝在那里不动,我憋都憋死了。