Friday, June 29, 2012

Poetry by Jay Macpherson (1931-2012)

Formless we meet and struggle like the sea.
We touch and bind, but all our cords are sand.
Above in the sad head,deserted stand
Bones of arcade, cellar and gallery,
A solid city, and the living band
Of language coldly stars the vault its floor.
But one remembers what we were before,
You my crown palace, I your fathomed land,
And the containing angel sets our loss a shore.

-poetry, September 1957

A single man

Romance between men.很小资,前面的镜头光与影让我想起了香港电影「春光乍泄」,个别moment手法很王家卫。

Thursday, June 28, 2012

After 45 minutes Zumba, I feel 空前地good.

It's so lucky to have a gym close to my home. It's about 3 minutes driving.

Location:Boylston St,Brookline,United States

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Drove to CT to send them off to China, we lived in Stamford. We drove around for food, playground, bu most time was wasted on driving. It's good to get passport and visas quickly. We visited this H Mart, and have lunch. I never successfully control mysel from purchasing a lot of prepared food in Korean supermarket. They ar just great and fresh. To avoid of feeling bored, Larry and vivi do handcraft in food court. They make a paper boat and put on my head.

Saturday, June 09, 2012