Friday, February 28, 2020

2/28/2020 一夜沒睡好,早上五點十分多帶耳機聽冥想音樂睡著後,做了豐富的夢境。夢見因為什麼去了一個高中,遇到一個染短髮的中國女人,她跑去招生處說了什麼,出來對我們說來瑞可以來他們學校,面試及其他手續都不要,因為去年流程已經走過了。我在校園走一走,網上查了才確定這是concord academy. 一個大名單上有鉛筆寫的中國人名字很多,說明這學校中國學生不少。午飯時間學校飯堂裡還有小米粥。 醒來六點五十四,趕緊下樓,來瑞正準備上學去,趕緊盛米粥兌些涼水讓他喝。頭一次睡過頭,連他們叫我都沒聽見。 这可能发生在平行宇宙的事,当时感觉很真,我记得自己好拿着一叠钞票。

Monday, August 10, 2015

China trip

In JFK airport, we cannot find a rest area. People everywhere. So we go back to the AirTran waiting room where it's quiet with less people. We can have seat. So they finally sent down to play ipad game.

Checked in, and in waiting area. It's always a smart choice to bring handcraft material for kids at their age. We got up 5am and during flight transfer , we have to stay JFK for 8 hours. Except eating and walking to different facilities, all we can do is to find some meaning way to kill time.

Dwelling among those skyscrapers of steel and cement, again, I feel myself as a tiny individual. After a sleepless night, ( because of jet lag ), I got up around 4:30am. The sky was turning bright.

I was too hungry, probably missed 3 meals including breakfast t airplane. To save space for good food, I didn't eat the cookies provided in hotel room.

It's a morning fair near my hotel. Walking one block, I saw it , probably there were some breakfast restaurant in the end.

Dirty, noise, and hot, taking one picture, then I hurried to go away.

Soybean milk, tasted very Soy-bean smell. I like it.

I like any Chinese traditional breakfast which I could not access in US.

Vivien and Larry watch 喜羊羊与灰太狼,in hotel room. a very successful children tv series. They burst out laugh time and again.

We live in Howard and Johnson, shanghai JingAn location. It's a nice stay.

At noon, we headed Zhejiang. I listen music, they do handcraft.

It seems they always enjoy train traveling , especially they got something to do.

This is a train station in a small town of zhejiang province. Because of big population, even small train station makes me think of airport.

I told a relative of my kids who drove me to catch the train, it is good to build a large train station for a small town, with extra space. It will fill up soon in near future.

It's comfortable, fast, quiet and with good window view. Traveling by train is always a blast.

Of course, I take GAO Tie , siting in first class seat of a view-seeing room.

It's super comfortable on this trip. The room is clean and quiet. Surrounding with sportify piano from my Bose headphone, I start to fell love with traveling in China.

I can even pull out hidden table to put my studying book. But it's hard to concentrate to study though.

Boats and river the train passed by when we headed for Nanking , where I will stop and transfer to the train to Qingdao.

Nanking railway station, bird-view from second floor. It's modern, huge, and organized.

Bird-view from third floor of Nanking south railway station, the lobby/ waiting room is pretty large. I have been a lot of stations in Beijing, shanghai, qingdao, nanjing. I guess most train station will be as this large and modern.

To me, I just feel tired to walk from one spot to another. Standing in such a huge safe, in noisy crowd, I can only feel myself as a tiny human individule.

I love small cozy place. So now I start to miss this old small wooden-built train stations in US?

Very delicious, 鸭血粉丝汤, a Nanking local food, not too salty, you can add spicy. It's made of duck meat, and duck blood.

I love it, and will take one for dinner on the train.

Costa coffee shop.
About three hours to kill, I am neither thirsty nor hungry, went to this coffee shop for a rest. This is a Starbucks competitor, certainly a similar style.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

China trip

In JFK airport, we cannot find a rest area. People everywhere. So we go back to the AirTran waiting room where it's quiet with less people. We can have seat. So they finally sent down to play ipad game.

Checked in, and in waiting area. It's always a smart choice to bring handcraft material for kids at their age. We got up 5am and during flight transfer , we have to stay JFK for 8 hours. Except eating and walking to different facilities, all we can do is to find some meaning way to kill time.

Dwelling among those skyscrapers of steel and cement, again, I feel myself as a tiny individual. After a sleepless night, ( because of jet lag ), I got up around 4:30am. The sky was turning bright.

I was too hungry, probably missed 3 meals including breakfast t airplane. To save space for good food, I didn't eat the cookies provided in hotel room.

It's a morning fair near my hotel. Walking one block, I saw it , probably there were some breakfast restaurant in the end.

Dirty, noise, and hot, taking one picture, then I hurried to go away.

Soybean milk, tasted very Soy-bean smell. I like it.

I like any Chinese traditional breakfast which I could not access in US.

Vivien and Larry watch 喜羊羊与灰太狼,in hotel room. a very successful children tv series. They burst out laugh time and again.

We live in Howard and Johnson, shanghai JingAn location. It's a nice stay.

At noon, we headed Zhejiang. I listen music, they do handcraft.

It seems they always enjoy train traveling , especially they got something to do.

This is a train station in a small town of zhejiang province. Because of big population, even small train station makes me think of airport.

I told a relative of my kids who drove me to catch the train, it is good to build a large train station for a small town, with extra space. It will fill up soon in near future.

It's comfortable, fast, quiet and with good window view. Traveling by train is always a blast.

Of course, I take GAO Tie , siting in first class seat of a view-seeing room.

It's super comfortable on this trip. The room is clean and quiet. Surrounding with sportify piano from my Bose headphone, I start to fell love with traveling in China.

I can even pull out hidden table to put my studying book. But it's hard to concentrate to study though.

Boats and river the train passed by when we headed for Nanking , where I will stop and transfer to the train to Qingdao.

Nanking railway station, bird-view from second floor. It's modern, huge, and organized.

Bird-view from third floor of Nanking south railway station, the lobby/ waiting room is pretty large. I have been a lot of stations in Beijing, shanghai, qingdao, nanjing. I guess most train station will be as this large and modern.

To me, I just feel tired to walk from one spot to another. Standing in such a huge safe, in noisy crowd, I can only feel myself as a tiny human individule.

I love small cozy place. So now I start to miss this old small wooden-built train stations in US?

Very delicious, 鸭血粉丝汤, a Nanking local food, not too salty, you can add spicy. It's made of duck meat, and duck blood.

I love it, and will take one for dinner on the train.

Costa coffee shop.
About three hours to kill, I am neither thirsty nor hungry, went to this coffee shop for a rest. This is a Starbucks competitor, certainly a similar style.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bow River, Banff

According to wiki, The name "Bow" refers to the reeds that grew along its banks and were used by the local First Nations peoples to make bows; the Peigan name for the river is "Makhabn", meaning "river where bow reeds grow".

Walking on the trail in Banff town is filled with horse dung smell and misquotes' bites.

Friday, July 25, 2014

100 days

Thursday, July 24, 2014

One poem from M.S.

Cape Pacifica - Qingdao

Moon is distant from the sea,
Throwing long wedding gowns at me,
Wavelets, sparkles, tiny flower petals;
Puff of sea breeze,
Bring the memory of exotic island,
Time for the blooming of the maquis? 

My bride is walking away,
Her long wedding gown tantalizing, inviting me
INTO the starry night.

Waves, the quarrelsome friend
The David King of Israel
Throwing pebbles to the rock
Sending shivers up my spin,
as I step off the cliff.

But angels came to my aid
Put hands under my feet
As I running to my bride
In the constellation of Gemini.

-M. Sun, Feb. 10th, 2012

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


昨天早上因为什么是要联系心血来潮临时下载了weChat,下载了晾一边,今早上一看n多个红点n多个图像冒出来要加我,有失联很久的,又看上去陌生仔细一看打过招呼的,有孩子一起过家家的,。。。劈劈啪啪打过来吓得我赶紧关上,卸载。。。 朋友说我是她唯一不微信的朋友,不微就不微吧,否则成天刷屏窝在那里不动,我憋都憋死了。

Saturday, September 21, 2013

House of blues, Pet Shop Boys

Before the 7pm concert, I have found the standing spot which is close to stage. Nothing to do but look up on the ceiling.

Location:Lansdowne St,Boston,United States

Sunday, August 04, 2013

this is my bible.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

JFK airport

We need to stay in airport for 8 hours for next flight. It is very important to get some entertainment for them. We got books, hand rafts, ipad, and clay....

It's gonna be a long trip, it's stressful for me. I snd sleep we'll let night.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Peabody Essex museum

We stayed in museum for about one hour and folded paper. Then we went out in plaza. Band playing jazz in village tavern restaurant. Kids were attracted by this little fountain. In summer of temperature reaching 85, everywhere with water will allure kids to play.

I just like watching them in quietness, enjoy peaceful moment.

Location:Essex St,Salem,United States

Tuesday, June 18, 2013